Page 2 - May 1960 to September 1964 (15 Tickets).

A) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Stratford & Midland Junction - 14th May 1960.

14th May 19602nd July 1960









B) Stephenson Locomotive Society - South Wales - 2nd July 1960.

C) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Bala to Blaenau Ffestiniog, Last Passenger Train - 22nd January 1961.

22nd January 196122nd October 1961









D) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Farewell To The Corwen Line - 22nd October 1961.

E) Gloucester(shire) Railway Society - Swindon Branches - 31st March 1962.

31st March 196114th April 1962









F) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Seven Branch Lines - 14th April 1962.

G) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Swansea District - 15th September 1962.

15th September 196213th April 1963









H) Stephenson Locomotive Society & Branch Line Society - Scottish Rambler - 13th April 1963.

I) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Farewell To The Kings - 28th April 1963.

28th April 196318th May 1963









J) Railway Correspondence & Travel Society - Joint Lines - 18th May 1963.

K) Scottish Locomotive Preservation Fund - The Jacobite ('Last Steam' To Mallaig) - 1st June 1963.

1st June 19635th October 1963









L) Railway Correspondence & Travel Society - Duchess Commemorative - 5th October 1963.

M) Ian Allan - The Great Western (Note - Individual Reserved Seats) - 9th May 1964.

9th May 196412th july 1964









N) Stephenson Locomotive Society - Three Summits - 12th July 1964.

O) Railway Correspondence & Travel Society - Scottish Lowlander - 26th September 1964.

26th September 1964





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