Dennis Bath was one of my late father's great pals.

(CLICK HERE to see them both at Tyseley Shed in 1962)

Dennis Bath at Tyseley on right hand side, November 1962

As a young lad Dennis lived at both Bristol and Swindon before moving to Worcester in the late 1930's. Over the years Dennis has built up two unique railway archives:

A) Thousands and thousands of photographs from the late 1940's up to quite recently. Not just in Great Britain but all over the world. He even visited what has often been regarded as the most isolated railway in the world, the Rio Turbio system in the extreme south of Patagonia, Argentina; just three weeks before the Falklands War!

B) An amazing paper record from the late 1930's, which could loosely be described as 'train-spotting notes'. Even as a young teenager Dennis typed up his notes, and all are now on this web site with the permission of his wife Cynthia.


Dennis Bath on right hand side, Tyseley Shed November 1962; Dennis passed on in 2008.

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