Michael Bailey (1951-2018).

Michael Bailey and I first met at Prince Henry's Grammar School, Evesham, Worcestershire. A common interest in railways perhaps made it inevitable that we became friends, a friendship that has carried on beyond school. (Michael Bailey was best-man at my wedding). Virtually all the photos were taken on Worcester Locomotive Society 'shed-bashing' trips. You are welcome to use these low resolution thumbnail pictures for free provided they are credited to Michael Bailey - High Quality 4000dpi versions can be obtained for a fee direct via the contact us section of this website.

Sadly, Michael passed away very suddenly in June 2018 - he was only 66.

Michael Bailey's Trainspotting Notes - Worcester Locomotive Society.

Shed visits on - 16 April 1967 & 16 July 1967

Prince Henry's Grammar School, Evesham - School Lists (1963 -1969).

Michael Bailey's Photo Archive

High resolution copies of the pictures (4000dpi) are available to buy direct - use the Contact Us page for more information.

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