Golden Valley - Gloucester to Chalford (16 Card Tickets).
Looking at the dates and issue numbers, it is presumably possible to work out the amount of tickets sold for some of the examples below.
A) Gloucester Central to Downfield Crossing Halt - 3rd August 1963.
B) Gloucester Central to Cashes Green Halt - 7th May 1962.
C) Stroud to Bowbridge Crossing Halt or Downfield Crossing Halt - 29th October 1964.
D) Stroud to Cashes Green Halt, Ebley Crossing Halt or Ham Mill Halt - 7th May 1962.
E) Stroud to Cashes Green Halt, Ebley Crossing Halt or Ham Mill Halt - 5th July 1962.
F) Stroud to Cashes Green Halt, Ebley Crossing Halt or Ham Mill Halt - 30th July 1963.
G) Stroud to Bowbridge Crossing Halt or Downfield Crossing Halt - 2nd August 1963.
H) Stroud to Bowbridge Crossing Halt or Downfield Crossing Halt - 5th July 1962.
I) Stroud to Cashes Green Halt, Ebley Crossing Halt or Ham Mill Halt - 29th October 1964.
J) Stroud to Bowbridge Crossing Halt or Downfield Crossing Halt - 29th October 1964.
K) Stroud to Bowbridge Crossing Halt or Downfield Crossing Halt - 27th July 1963.
L) Brimscombe to St. Mary's Crossing Halt or Brimscombe Bridge Halt - 29th October 1964.
M) Gloucester Central to Stonehouse Burdett Road - 5th July 1962.
N) Stroud to Brimscombe Bridge Halt or Brimscombe - 3rd August 1963.
O) Stroud to Brimscombe Bridge Halt or Brimscombe - 29th October 1964.
P) Pram Ticket - Stroud to any station not exceeding 6 miles distant - 7th May 1962.