Preston - September 1967.

45000, the 'first' Black 5 looks like it will never earn another penny working for BR again in this photo taken by my school friend Michael Bailey at Chester MPD on Sunday 16th April 1967.  However, looks can be deceptive!!Although I have put the date as September 1967 I have been unable to find a precise date, it possibly could have been late August.

The 3 recordings are:
A) 44767 with a northbound freight (despite what I say on the recording!). This is of course the unique Black 5, the only one with outside Stephenson link motion out of a class total of 842. I don't know if it is possible to tell from this recording if 44767 has a unique sound or not - does anybody know the answer?

B) In 1967 I still thought that the very first Black 5 built was this one - 45000. No doubt reinforced by the fact that 45000 was to be preserved as part of the national collection. I learnt years later that the first Black 5 was actually 45020.

C) 45444 passes though Preston on a freight.

44767, the unique Black 5, is on a northbound freight at Preston in September 1967. 45000 working as Preston station pilot in September 1967.



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